May 12, 2023Liked by Molly Brumfield

Molly, I can't tell you how much it feels like your writing is often spoken directly to me. I feel all these things you've just written about in my own tribe of Christianity. I've dipped my toes in other places, but the Holy Spirit keeps pulling me back in, not because it is the "right" place to be or because I'm supposed to agree with everything or everyone. I have come to realize I'm being pulled and pushed back here because it is the right place for my voice. A voice, that because it's female is not allowed in all places of worship in my tribe (yet) . . . I've pushed back against God about this, asking Him how can I stay, what is this teaching my own daughter? The answer . . . "I love her more than you do, trust me."

The changes and growth have been subtle and not at all at the pace I desire, but when I truly assess where my church family was 7 years ago and where we are now, I see the work of the Spirit. Moving us forward. Uniting us, not by erasing our differences but by teaching us to embrace them. I see how the Lord is using my voice, and I am confident He is using yours too. Keep it up Molly, the Lord is using you for His purposes exactly where He has put you.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Molly Brumfield

You are an amazing writer Molly!

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I feel there is often a fundamental difference between spirituality and religion. They don't have to be exclusive of each other, but frequently are. I think we all have to walk this path in our own way, in our own time. I applaud you for being brave enough to follow your heart and question. You're an amazing writer. I look forward to following your journey.

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Apr 29, 2023Liked by Molly Brumfield

Oh Molly, I have been where you are with the Catholic Church. I tiptoed my way through my beliefs for a long time, wanted to make changes by making noise, and finally realized the changes I wanted were not going to happen in my lifetime. Or probably not in my kids’. 13 years ago, a friend told me about a women’s spiritual group, Bras, Bibles, and Brew. I started going to their gatherings and haven’t stopped. BBB is my spiritual home. So many amazing, wise women who share their stories. And there are so many disillusioned ex-church goers among us. We want our spirituality to be fed, but not by an institution.

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